Monday, October 12, 2009

Subject: Postcards from Michigan--#4

Tuesday, August 24, 2009

Weather update: Yesterday the temp actually got up to the low 70’s and was sunny. Finally, one day of summer! Last night the low was just 58 but it was a “warm” 58 (scary but I think I’m getting acclimated to this climate). Alas, today is predicted not as warm as rain will be coming into the area late.

The trip to Mackinac Island went well and with uncanny prediction somehow found all kinds of useless and trashy souvenirs to purchase. Toured the historic Grand Hotel. When I was in Hawaii, everywhere I went there was Elvis memorabilia and music playing. It was like he had just left the islands yesterday. On Mackinac Island, it was just like Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve left yesterday. I don’t remember much about that movie but I’m sure it can’t rival “Blue Hawaii”.

There is just something elegant about being on an island where there are no motorized vehicles. Just a lot of bikes, horse drawn carriages and walkers. Definitely a throw-back to a more relaxed and formal lifestyle.

Hey! I just heard on the radio that Miss Venezuela won the Miss Universe pageant for the second year in a row!!. Note to self; Gotta set up a trip to Venezuela but I’m sure Gov. Sanford will beat me to it.

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